

·  VILA denim shirt dress - 10.990 kr · 

Halló yndislegu - ég er frekar þreytt eftir daginn en ég var að koma heim úr morgunflugi. Mig
langaði bara að sýna ykkur örstutt nýjustu viðbótina við fataskápinn minn en eftir að ég sá
þennan gallakjól úr Vila á henni Eirin, uppáhalds bloggaranum mínum, þá gat ég ómögulega
hætt að hugsa um hann og varð að eignast hann. Hann er ekkert smá mjúkur og þæginlegur og
hann bíður spenntur eftir að koma með til Parísar eftir nokkra daga. Ég er orðin svo spennt!

Annars verður frekar rólegt hér á blogginu um helgina en ég er að klára seinustu dagana í
sumarvinnunni sem mér finnst frekar sorglegt. Ég er búin að vera svo ánægð í allt sumar og
búin að kynnast æðislegu fólki ásamt því að fá að ferðast á mjög skemmtilega staði. Það verður
erfitt að toppa þetta sumar, það er alveg klárt. Við heyrumst eftir helgina en þá kem ég aftur 
með skemmtilegar færslur handa ykkur, knús og eigið góða helgi x


Hello lovely people - I am pretty tired after the day but I just came home from a morning
flight so I woke up super early. I just wanted to show you guys my new denim shirt dress
real quick. After I saw it on Eirin, one of my favourite bloggers, I couldn't stop thinking about
it and had to have it. It is super soft and comfortable and it will definitely be coming with me
to Paris in a couple of days. I am so excited for that trip!

There will be a bit of a silence here on the blog this weekend since I am working both tomorrow
and Sunday. Sunday will be my last day at my summer job and that makes me kind of sad. I've
had so much fun and met so many amazing people and got to see some of the world. It will be
a hard summer to beat, that is for sure. We will talk after the weekend when I will be back with
some new posts for you guys, have a good weekend and hugs to you x



  1. Dear Alexsandra,

    I accidentally found your blog while reading the comments of Alexa Dagmars post and just wanted to say I really like your website - I have been looking through so many pages by now and simply couldn't stop. Your pictures are great. Going to stop by soon again - that's for sure. By the way: love that denim dress :)!

    Love from Germany, Berlin :)


    1. Hi Sophia,

      That is so good to hear, thank you so much! Hugs to you x

  2. nice shirt dress! would love to see how you will style it!

    xoxo Eva | www.becausepassion.com

    1. Hi Eva,

      Thank you - will show an outfit post soon! Hugs x



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