Þegar við fluttum inn í íbúðina okkar þá skildi fyrrverandi eigandinn eftir þessa hillu inn í aukaherbergi.
Mig datt strax í hug hvað mig langaði að gera við hana og sem betur fer leyfði kærastinn minn einmitt
að gera það sem mig langaði - að geyma alla fallegu skóna mína þar! Í flestum hillum hafði ég tvö pör
saman en í nokkrum eru bara eitt par - sem þýðir bara eitt; afsökun að kaupa fleiri pör x
When we moved into our place the past owner left this shelf in the extra bedroom. I immediately got
an idea about what I wanted to do with it and my boyfriend gave me the green light to do just that -
keep all my pretty shoes there! In most of the shelfs are two pairs but in some there are just one pair
since I don't have more shoes - and that just means one thing; an excuse to buy more shoes x
Love this! I've been thinking about doing this set up for quite some time now. Looks great!
ok allir skórnir eru sjúkir! loveit
ReplyDelete- http://www.fanneyskula.com -
Love all the shoes, specially the nude ones :)