
new in: spring knits

FOREVER21 knits

SPRING KNITS. Knits are one of my all time favorite things to shop for, so I have quite a few of them. 
The other day I decided that it was time for a little upgrade and I needed some knits in a lighter color since
spring is just right around the corner. I found two really nice knits at the Forever 21 store. I instantly fell in
love with the mint colored one, it is definitely a must have color this spring and summer. The other one is
a white knit with which is a little longer in the back than it is in the front which I absolutely love. I hope
that you all have a great weekend, it is raining here in LA so it will be a nice cosy day inside for us.



  1. Elska litina! Svona peysur eru líka svo klassískar :)

  2. Rosalega flottar :) Var einmitt að koma frá BNA fyrir ca mánuði og fann mér eina mjög líka þessari grænu nema gegnsæa á bakinu mjöög töff :) Það sem er hægt að elska Forever 21!
    P.s. rosa skemmtilegt blogg hjá þér :)

  3. Já, það leynist alltaf eitthvað fallegt þar :)
    En takk æðislega fyrir x

  4. I love both of them ! They got perfect colours ! Kiss x


  5. Ég elska þennan myntugræna lit!



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