yesterday i went to the most beautiful christmas concert i've ever been to! it was so amazing
that i had goos bumps the entire time. i wore a black coat with my faux fur from h&m and a
sleek pony tail but i felt as something was missing so i went and bought this red lipstick! i've
never been a big fan of them, i've always thought that they just weren't for me but yesterday i
really wanted one and i don't regret it! i think that every girl should have a red lipstick in their
make-up bag.. it really makes the most boring outfit stand out!
Einn af mínum uppáhalds líka;) - mæli síðan með lit sem heitir Delicate Coral og er nr. 413 í varalitalínunni frá Maybelline fer aldrei neitt án þess að hafa hann í veskinu;)